Am I Living My Best Life?

Top_of_MountainAt work, vision and mission statements are common, but how many people actually create their own personnel vision and mission statement? Without a vision we walk without direction. For me a perfect symbol of being directionless is to watch the hustle and bustle downtown during a typical workday. You know people are trying to get somewhere quickly, in order, to make it back for a meeting, but how many of these people if asked would say their day is filled with strong purpose? How many people would say they care about what they are doing and it has meaning for them?

A Forbes article I read talked about people only pushing themselves to create a legacy after a tragedy or when they had a life altering event such as marriage or giving birth to a child. Otherwise, most people stay status quo. My question is why wait for life to give you a push before creating your own legacy?

For me, you can only live life well if you are certain about your purpose. Purpose is what makes up your vision, mission, and legacy. Having a strong purpose is, in my opinion, what makes you not be mediocre, but a great parent, spouse, and friend. For me, my theme and legacy that excites me is to create positive change not only at work, but in the community. Reading books such as “I Like Giving” feeds my soul because it is about changing people’s lives through acts of generosity. Reading articles on Facebook such as the single detective who adopted two abused boys is what makes my heart leap since this detective will never know the extent to how he has changed these boys’ lives.

My hope just like the detective is I can make long-standing changes in people’s lives. It is not so my name can be remembered, but so my spirit still lives. I believe God has given all of us a purpose. It is whether we are living out our purpose that is important. A book I read once said most people leave several gifts or talents unwrapped in heaven because they don’t use them while on Earth. The goal is to not leave one gift unwrapped.

Being a mother of a young child, I think often of what Ryley’s gifts will be. From a young age my vision was clear. While volunteering at a nursing home I knew my purpose was to help others. Hopefully, Ryley can look back into her childhood and her purpose was like mine – crystal clear.

Part of my job as her mother is to not stand in her way, but to provide her the opportunity to open her own doors. It is something I am excited about. I dream about praying with her, doing vision boards together, or seeing what actually makes her heart giggle. Right now she just leaps into new things and we see where she lands. Her vision is to wake up, absorb what she can, and play the day away.

My prayer for her long-term vision is to…

Continue to play

Be true to herself

Not give up

Challenge herself


Trust in her inner voice

Rely on her instincts

Listen to her heart

Always dream

Be open to the universe

Walk to her own drum

Be strong in spirit

Know who she is

Know who God is




This is the legacy I leave for my daughter. Look forward to seeing what she envisions for herself. In the mean-time, hopefully none of us give up the dream, our legacy, and our purpose. It is a good question to ask yourself…Am I living my best life?

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