Famous in God’s Eyes

FamousThe song, “I am already famous in his eyes” is one of my favorites, but do we believe it? At some point we all ask – what would I do if I won the Lottery, hit the jackpot, or became famous? Is it a sin to strive or dream for greatness? There is no virtue saying we shouldn’t live our best lives, but what if we lose our soul in the process or start to think humans are God? Yes, celebrities can be good at their craft and by societal standards live the heavenly life, but isn’t it a fact like your mailman or grocery store clerk that celebrities experience real life? A good indicator is magazines full of divorces, rehab, anorexia, suicide, illness, and other non-heavenly stories. What does this tell you?

It tells you celebrities may be like Norm on Cheers where everyone knows their name, but behind the fancy cars and red carpet affairs they are still human. They still wake up the same and eat breakfast the same. They still have love ones break their hearts, lose people they care about, have problems starting a family, and have failures. They still have the choice whether they have a relationship with God or not. Unfortunately, the trend in Hollywood right now is to say I am spiritual or to join a new age religion instead of experiencing what it means to have a relationship with God. Not sure why this has happened, but many actors, singers, and athletes once believed, went to church as children, but ended up turning their backs on their one true love. Again, why is this? Is it due to the scare of being blacklisted or buying into peer pressure? Is it because they reached fame and fortune and no longer think it’s cool? Is it church is not connecting with their liberal side? Do they question God’s motives? Whatever is happening there is a domino effect. The domino effect of children looking up to the mystique and not understanding the influence.

What is even sadder is when children or adults hold onto the red carpet dream which doesn’t ever come true. They wonder why it’s not them on the big screen or on the field. They feel like they have failed. It’s a sad epidemic as we are all good enough. We just have to believe it. When we believe in our passions and who we are is when the sun shines on our face. It is not our name in the credits, but peace inside which gives our lives value. Striving for the next golden ticket gives you short-term joy, but will it give you everlasting joy? These are all important questions to ask.


See_yourself_through_Gods_EyesIf fame and fortune happen, good for you – this is a gift to celebrate. However, if fame and fortune don’t occur, is your life still a gift? Yes, of course, you’re still a gift. We are all given our own personal gifts to celebrate. We could have gifts of wisdom, a caring heart, confidence, or strength. We could have gifts of comedy, style, relationship building, or humbleness. Whatever our gifts are – they are worth celebrating. From experience, it is a waste of time to try to be someone else or wish away our lives instead of celebrating who we are and what are our blessings.. We may not all get to wear crowns of gold or sing in Times Square, but we can be famous to ourselves, the ones who know us, and to God. For God is always ready to hear us sing, play catch, or tell a joke for he knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows our dreams, fears, and inspirations. All we have to do is open the door to God and the possibilities. The scare is when we leave the door closed and believe in unreal Gods instead of a living, loving, and true God. In my opinion, how can there be hope if there is no God? Again, you may think why do celebrities (the ones who look like they have it all) need hope? The reason is because we all endure life’s ups and downs and, in the end, it’s important for all of us to be famous not only in our neighbor’s eyes, but in his eyes.

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