Archive for Life Lessons – Page 5

Dearest Mugsy – Telling Your Pet’s Legacy

In the spirit of the letter writing series, I decided to write a letter and poem to my dearest Mugsy who died a week ago. He was one of my best friends for 14 yrs. For all of you pet lovers and owners out there, hopefully you find comfort and connection in my words. This poem was our story, but sure you have a similar story for the companions and family members in your life. We’d love to hear the dedications to your furry family members. In the mean time, thank you for your love and support!

Dearest Mugs,

How Do I Say Goodbye?

Before you became a part of our family, I prayed for you…

Who would have guessed I’d love you as much as I do.

The first look of you scampering across the floor –

Made me realize what all of those dreams were for.

You weren’t yet big enough to fit in your own skin,

You were our first baby, our first son, and our kin.

On the car ride home, you threw up on the floor –

You sat on my lap and threw up a little more.

How scared you were until you were home –

Where immediately you began to explore and roam.

I remember you getting lost in our jungle grass –

Small as my palm, but with a lot of sass.

You took a picture with Santa Claus,

You have an ornament with your puppy paws,

You wore a spider on your neck for Halloween,

You pranced on our walks and loved to be seen.

More than one person said how handsome you were-

A whitish chest with sleek auburn fur,

But it wasn’t your look that attracted me to you –

Your eyes told me a story that I’ve always held onto.

Your boxer exterior said tough on the outside,

But why I love you is who you’ve been on the inside.

You’ve never left my side every time I was sick –

Coming home has always meant a wag and a lick.

All of the memories have stayed alive in my mind –

Like the time we came home to a bitten potato rind.

Your younger years a challenge, but we loved each other –

You were our best friend and Ryley’s brother.

We still laugh at how you and Dad wrestled to the ground –

When there was broken sprinklers and holes your Dad found.

But this isn’t the memory I choose to remember you by.

I choose to remember your cocked head and morning sigh –

Or our hikes when it was just you and I together.

We loved climbing mountains and the Colorado weather.

Do you remember when Dad travelled weekly and I came home to you?

Do you remember your big, red ball  you caught and we threw?

Do you remember our sleeping in the bed debate?

Do you remember barking to your friends sometimes really late?

Do you remember how you always managed to find the squeaky toy?

Do you remember how we danced in the rain and all of the joy?

Do you remember peeing in your Dad’s suitcase?

Do you remember the coyotes and our crazy chase?

Do you remember Dad always sneaking you a snack?

Do you remember Ryley trying to ride on your back?

Do you remember all of the hours we would just cuddle?

Do you remember how you loved streams and puddles?

Do you remember jumping wildly in the snow?

Do you remember your winter coat and not wanting to go?

Do you remember all of your tricks like high five and playing dead?

Do you remember not taking your meds, but licking the cheese instead?

Do you remember how you disliked popcorn that was cold?

Do you remember what it’s been like as you’ve gotten old?

Gosh, with so many memories how am I going to say goodbye?

This is really tough – I’m not going to lie.

You didn’t deserve to suffer – my loyal friend,

But I can’t imagine you gone and there being an end.

You were a gift that has continued to give –

I just wish I could have you continue to live.

You will always be my pup even as you’ve aged –

I just never imagined what it’d be like to be at this stage.

I can’t imagine you not greeting me everyday –

It’s going to break my heart in every way.

Can’t thank you enough Mugs Man for being God on Earth –

Thank you for loving me with all it’s worth.

Thank you for being part of our little clan,

Thank you for being my number one fan,

Thank you for trusting me as much as you do

Thank you for just being wonderful you.

There is not a word to say how I feel –

This just doesn’t yet seem real.

Just know – I’ll always love and miss you – I guarantee,

But hope someday to see you again in eternity!….

Love you Mugs Man to the Moon and Back! Hope you enjoy the doggie rainbow!