Archive for Giving – Page 5

The Giver

GiverWhat would life be like if you loved giving instead of taking? A website and book I fell upon; which is called “I Like Giving” has literally given me the feeling you describe as a child; which is butterflies in your stomach. The concept is your heart and life shines when giving is part of your DNA. What makes the website and book even more delicious is giving doesn’t have to be just about your pocketbook. Giving can be about talking to someone who is lonely, seeing someone who feels invisible, or touching someone who is heartbroken. A woman on our local radio station said one of her best gifts in life was a friend who contacted her everyday when life was at its darkest.

For me, not always sure what impact my giving means to the receiver, but know what giving means in my life. It turns me into a giddy adolescent. Giving is the feeling of a teenager who was asked on a date from the guy she likes. Such as the other day, which is still fresh in my mind – I actually had a dollar in my purse (which isn’t typical) and I gave it to a man on the corner. He smiled and told me to have a great day. What he didn’t know is I smiled all day and he was the best part of it. Not sure how he used the dollar, but know the dollar was well spent.

For those who like to give, it is a great life to not be jailed by the dollar or life’s trials. What hurts the most is hearing people who complain about the economy, government, and taxes. Those who don’t understand what it means to be “The Giver”. Their hearts have hardened and, although, I appreciate their opinions I wonder what life would be like if we didn’t look internally so much, but looked externally. If we could actually see the man on the corner instead of judging him. If we prided ourselves on how much we could give of ourselves to others. What a great legacy we could leave on this earth. A legacy worth way more than money. The Earth could be shifted on its axis. Personally it’s been a privilege to witness “how a frown can be turned upside down”. It is my opinion giving can physically, emotionally, and passionately change a person when they give in a genuine, welcoming manner.

It’s the feeling of giving a boy a meal where he didn’t know where the next one would come from, donating a food processor to a family whose son needed a tumor removed from his mouth, or giving time to pack medical supplies and care packages to be sent across the ocean. It is a gift and for some people may be the best gift they’ve ever received. The beautiful part about giving is I can give them this gift and so can you.

If giving is at the heart, it can be your best kept secret. Actually, my favorite times of being “The Giver” is when the giving happens on a whim or is random. It is when there was no one to tell. It is running over to someone digging through the garbage and giving them your meal. It is this instant energy which consumes you. However, the only way to do this is if you remain conscious. If you look for those special nuggets of giving. If you listen when giving is tugging at your heart. If you block out negativity from those who don’t understand why you’d want to be a giver.

As I write this blog, it is my challenge to you to think of why you’d want to be a giver. For me, it is about giving my best gift to this world while I’m still alive; which is my time, my heart, and my humanness. Not sure yet what this will equate to, but know it means reaching out to my friends, getting out of the stands, out of our heads, and out of our routines. It is being Jesus in the present. It means embracing my friends to work together for the greater good. I’m really excited to see where this journey leads us and hope you will join us on this journey to think of ways of how you can be “a giver” instead of a “taker”.