


Matthew 16:24 – Then Jesus said to His disciples, If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.



Dear God,

You said pray and your prayers will be answered. I don’t feel like my prayers are being answered. If I allow myself to believe what is happening I am not sure I can survive another day. My life seems to be crumbling right in front of me. Please God if you hear me – please be my rock to walk on. Please carry me like footsteps in the sand. Don’t allow me to completely crumble. Allow me to see the truth, but not be blinded by it. I love you – Amen!


Dear God,

I don’t understand what is happening right now. Can you help me? I love you – Amen!


Denial can come in many forms. Sometimes as Christians, we wonder whatever is happening – why it is happening to us. At times, we want to control our own destiny, so, we don’t trust in God and we are in denial. This is the most common type of denial for me. It took many job mistakes and changes for me early in my career before I learned to not try to control everything. Thirdly, we use denial as a coping mechanism if we don’t think we can cope. Whatever the reason for staying in denial, the biggest lesson for me is we can’t get through it on our own. We need help. Below are activities; which may help:


  1. Talk to someone who you trust who will be honest to you about your current situation (Note: Sometimes it is good to find someone outside of your inner circle)
  2. Conduct some visualization and meditation exercises. If you’ve never done this before, there are some good CDs out there for you to try. After words spend some time praying.
  3. Attempt to journal on what you are thinking and feeling at the moment
  4. Go to the library or buy a bible study on Peter or Daniel; which discusses denial
  5. Do something unusual to get out of your frame of mind or routine (ex. something from your bucket list, drive without knowing where you’re going, dance around your living room, etc.)
  6. Pray and then do something nice for either yourself (ex. a massage) or for someone else (ex. go volunteer somewhere). Do this activity until you can see the big picture.


  1. If the whole family is in denial, then do something to get away as a family and spend time together so you can return and try to work through the situation
  2. If your child is the only one in denial, talk to your child and ask as many questions as you can to allow them to come to the right conclusion
  3. Talk through denial stories in the Bible (Peter or Daniel) and relate them to your own situation
  4. Write a letter to your child letting them know you love and support them through the current situation. If they are little, then read and discuss the letter with tem.
  5. Depending on their age, let them make up a story with made up characters to discuss what is currently happening
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