


Hebrews 13:6

So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?”



Dear God,

Life can be difficult when you don’t have the confidence. God, please give me the ability to move mountains. I know you have given me unique abilities and I want to shine, but somehow fall short. Please God calm my mind so I can see the qualities you have given me. Please God let me be the most I can be. Help me God to eliminate my self-deprecating beliefs. Help me speak, move, and accept who I am. Let me not be influenced by what others think of me. I love you.


Dear God,

I fear what others think. Can you help take away these fears and let me be the most I can be? Thanks God.


Confidence is at the core of who we are. In life, it is difficult to meet our greatest potential if we don’t have confidence. If you viewed my life, you’d say I am the test child for confidence. In grade school, I didn’t sit in a corner, but also was not the most popular person. Now looking back it is because no one ever knew Kristen. No one ever knew my true self. Today people have described me as bubbly, passionate, caring, go-getter, etc. but back then it was boring, invisible, or plain. I thought I was status-quo at everything. Whatever was important I wasn’t good at. Then my young adult life happened and I looked young so I played the part. No one ever took me seriously. My family would forget I was talking and business would treat me as a child. Once on an elevator I was even called Chrissy. Then the moment came when I realized I do know what I’m talking about, people do care what I have to say, and I can add value. The biggest revelation was not everyone would like me, but it was ok not everyone liked me. It was not an overnight change because it took getting experience behind my belt, but it also took what one of my favorite talk show hosts said; which is success happens when hard work meets opportunity. Just living the concept of hard work, opportunity, and building a stronger relationship with my faith is what has finally given me confidence. I use to question my abilities, but now know both my strengths and weaknesses and these will never be in question. If anyone knows me today in my career or relationships – they know I am a woman to be reckoned with. I use this terminology not in a bad sense, but in the realization that I am the only one who can minimize my capabilities. It is my fault if I don’t live up to my potential and standards. Confidence is not solely an act, but how you see and brand yourself. Luckily, God loves me for me and I surround myself with confident people and confident women. If I could provide one key to my daughter in life, it would be to believe in yourself and confidence. Daily I hear from other women who say they still question themselves whether they can succeed. The activities this week are about the building bricks of confidence in your life.


  1. Video tape yourself talking about something you are passionate about. When viewing the tape, and without being critical, what would you change?
  2. Get out of your pajamas and be active – Go dancing or join a cooking class.
  3. Learn to be ok with yourself – take an exercise class, wear something sexy, get a make-over, etc. Do not turn into something you’re not, but it is ok to be confident about who you are both inside and outside.
  4. Do something outside the box whatever this means for you. This could mean leaving the house, riding in a race car, or talking to someone new.
  5. Ask yourself how your life would change if you weren’t scared about what other people think?
  6. How would other people describe you? How would you describe yourself? Is this who you really want to be?
  7. Think of someone you admire. Why do you admire them? What qualities do you think they possess that you don’t?
  8. What do you think are your God-given talents? Are you using your talents?
  9. Do you have an ambition or dream you’ve put on hold? If yes, don’t delay – start working towards your dream.


  1. Have your child talk or hang out with someone who you think has confidence
  2. Participate in your child’s life (know their friends, their teachers, and what classes they are taking, etc.) so you know where your child may be struggling
  3. Work with your child on a project they can be challenged at, but can also succeed (ex. a long bike ride, a tough hike, a puzzle, etc.)
  4. Have fun with your child doing what your child likes to do. Reiterate you love them for them.
  5. Get them involved in some group activity they may like such as a sport, acting classes, etc.
  6. Do an activity with your child where your child is helping others (ex. Special Olympics, a homeless shelter, Ronald McDonald House, etc.)
  7. Talk to your child about stories of your own life of how you didn’t have confidence and how you overcame it
  8. Talk through consequences of negative thinking and where negative talk can lead you. Also, talk about positive talk and why positive talk is important.
  9. Have your child talk about someone they admire and why. Listen to the characteristics they discuss and discuss how they can have these characteristics.







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